Saturday, February 27, 2010

Oink oink,

hari ini, aku dikejutkan dengan bunyian gendang cina dan kompang melayu dari restoran Yahudi 'Mekdonal' kalau ikut bahasa Jan 'Mak Dolah' yang berada kira kira 200 meter dari bilik aku. wahh, bising sungguh. bagaikan hendak pecah telinga aku dibuatnya. hari ni hari satu Malaysia kea ? . monolog dalaman title ini berkata 'Jom Heboh ada di Damansara?' hahahh manalah tawu.

semalam aku diajak Abir untuk ke Bukit Jalil bagi menghadiri gathering monyet monyet modern sekalian. bila aku tanya mak aku. mak kata 'hahh pegi lah, pegi enjoy dengan kawan kawan. tak payah amek SPM'<--dalam hati, perli baik punya.

jadi disinilah aku pada hari ini. duduk, blogging, online and so on (takdo kojo lain) . sejak kebelakangan ni. begitu ramai minah rempit dan mat mat shuffle ingin mendekati aku di Myspace dan Facebook. shit! aku tak lap lantai lah weyh ! ~berbalik pada cerita, kini adik adik ku kian meningkat dewasa. aku pun apa kurangnya. kakak ku tinggal sedikit masa sahaja lagi untuk dia bersuka suka menjadi seorang remaja (lepas nih takdo arh, jago pogrot jo). sehingga kata kata ibu bapa ku pun dah berani dilawannya. wahh, kehidupan ini bagaikan seperti PC aku yang cukup aktif mengikut perintah ku. click sana dapat click sini dapat. bila dah lama, component dah rosak. mula lah disobey. sigh~

mereka kata. bila besar nanti, aku akan menjadi bapak orang. yang tak kisah akan berita kecoolnessan parkour, trend trend modern mahupun gosip gosip tentang cerai berai laki bini orang. yang tawu jaga anak, makan kaji, ambil hati bini. wah, tiada life meh !

cerita kalian.
pada pengakhiran zaman ini, communikasi manusia menjadi jadi mudahnya. macam macam networking program direka. Myspace (main kapal angkasa), Facebook (main tulis tulis buku), Twitter (main cuit cuit), Yahoo (main jerit jerit), Wordpress (main tekan tekan kertas) dan Blogspot. dengan blogspot. blogger blogger sekalian dapat meluahkan perasaan tentang dirinya ataupun keadaan di seroundingnya seperti "shit! i am so lonely" , "why is this happening to me" , "i need you right now" , "i hate you!" , "i am so bored"...etc

kenapa kita bosan ? kenapa kita kesepian ? ini kerana manusia memerlukan hubungan antara satu sama lain (it is called commmuunication). bagi menghilangkan rasa lonely dan bosan dengan perasaan penuh excitednya si blogger kalian sering menonton drama kesukaannya 'Nur Kasih' (contoh). setelah habis mengundah perasaan, mula lah tersengeh sana tersengeh sini berangan seolah olah dia berada dalam situasi drama tersebut. ceh~ remaja nowadays

kenapa kita suka berangan ? ya memang. perasaan ketika kita mencampakkan diri kita ke alam ilusi yang direka sendiri dengan tambahan lagu menongkasi mak bedah sebelah serba sedikit membuatkan kita rasa gembira. agagaa~

sumpah syoksendiri shial post nih.

cerita aku pula.
aku menghadapi minggu yang sangat rare. rare dari miggu minggu yang lain. contohnya time time pekse tu aku selalunya datang lambat seperti parent burung yang baru pulang mencari rezeki. tapi aku datang awal seperti luar biasa. mungkin bapak aku sengaja cepatkan jam kowt. maen lompat lompat dengan Jan tampa awek cekak pinggang menggelilingi dan pak cik pak cik simpul tangan usap misai menglihat gelagat kami di tricking spot menjadi seronok. hahahh rare sungguh.

habes pegy tricking hujan lecak dengan Jan aku balik terus tido tak mandi tak solat. lepastu banggun badan gatal gatal bantai oren 4 bijik. owh im so cool (ayat Abudi) kalau anda seperti saya, anda seorang yang cool. kwah kwah kwah

ramai betul awek awek menegur aku di Myspace hari nih.

Minah 1 : hai !
Atha : hai back

Minah 2 : hype<--kau tengah hyper kea skarang
Atha : oit (ayat seringkas yang boleh)

Minah 3 : hello, tengah buat apa tu :D
Atha : tak buat pape pun (tengah online lah bodoh)

Minah 4 : hai thnk fr the appve. comment my pic
Atha : 'tak balas' (kau artist mana ?)

Minah 5 : eyy atha, dah lama tak dengar crite pasal atha. awek sihat ??
Atha : eummm, awek ? (bila masa pulak aku penah berkenalan dengan enggko?<--sebut dengan lidah melayu)

(mean while, post nih semakin menjadi jadi syoksendirinya)

aku pula malas malas jea nak layan. seperti biasa. ada jea yang menyibuk kan diri menaip status seperti "aku tidak percaya pada cinta lagi" , "friendship is powerful then love" , "no lover" ada juga yang menawarkan diri seperti "saya 100% single" wahh, single itu boleh sampai brapa percent ? 25% untuk kawan 75% untuk balak. macam tu kea ? sakit mata aku memandang status status sebegini. kalau diikutkan, nak jea aku sound minah minah nih. nasib baik aku nih seorang yang sabar tabah. khegeheh<--cara mansul gelak

kalau time time macam ni biasanya aku tengah syok berangan sorang sorang dalam bilik. hahahh, jangan salah sangka ya. keberanganan aku ni membuahkan hasil. bukan nya tentang alam percintaan Andrew Vanes. kwah kwah kwah kwah<--gelak baru atha (bukan apa, cuma sangap kuah durian mama kelantan sebelah ajea) Caio~

Revolusi Pencarutan

Damn - Dam
Fuck - Fakk
Fuck - Fish
Shit - Shoot
GDI - Godannit
Motherfucker - Mothafucka
Pukimak - Kiwak
Buto - But
Cikaro - Chika
Fat - Fatso
Pondan/Bapuk - Shemale
Bitch - Bishh
Noob - Nude
Jesus - Jeez
Fuck You - Eff You
Fucker - FFker
Coward - Dickless

owh ya, ayat baru. Pukimakkau--->Translation--->Butopakhang

Kisah Percintaan Dunia

Baiklah, nukilan Hari ini tentang perasaan. permainan perasaan manusia yang sering tak tumpah dengan cuaca malaysia. kejap panas, kejap hujan.

ketika bercinta, kononnya saat bunga tengah mekar, kalau boleh mulut kita semanis madu. kalau boleh penggunaan kata ganti diri pertama dan kedua tidak digunakan. sebolehnya mencipta kata ganti diri yang sendiri mengikut kreativiti masing masing : 'sayang, bi, mucuk, nenek, muncit, gemok' dan lain lain lagi. sigh~ remaja nowadays..hah!


kalau bergaduh mengalahkan cerita troy. lidah pisau berusaha menikam hati pasangan masing2. otak diperah perah memikir ayat nak menang. habis madu disepah buang bak kata bapak dolah.<--hey! bapak dolah! kalau boleh masing masing menggunakan ayat sekeras keras tulang. "weyh, ngko ni kan..! &^$#@!!" bukan guna sayang sudah, bukan hubby mahupun nenek, atuk muncit dan sebagainya. tetapi 'ngko'. bukan 'kau', atau 'ko', tapi 'ngko'<-- sebutan dia 'enggggko' kononnya nak menunjukkan sekeras keras perasaan time tuh.


bila hujan dah reda. pipi dah masin. baru tegar balik. mula la wusha handphone masing masing. menunggu pujuk rayu olehnya. kali ni pertandingan ego pula. selalunya siapa yang paling cepat mengalah ? laki ke pompuan ? dua dua samo jo. kemudian selepas menyibukkan diri dengan menaip status di Facebook, Myspace ataupun Yahoo seperti : "argh...tension!!" , "i dont believe in love anymore" , " sial punye jantan!" , "awek aku menyusahkan" , "thinkin of being lesbian.." dan macam macam lagi.

tiba tiba,

"mail mothafucka!"<--ini ringtone sms

melonjak lonjak ke handphone dengan harapan setinggi 7 petala langit mesej tu dari tersayang. tapi, " mak suruh pergi beli sayur bayam" . orang kata keadaan ni sebagai 'wrong timing' tengah frustasi, ada pulak hal lain. balik balik dibeli bukan bayam, tapi kacang panjang.

sekali lagi,

"mail mothafucka!"<--ini ringtone sms

kali ini memang dari awek/balak korang. "finally i realise, i'm nothing without you, forgive meh"<--ini lirik opening lagu Bing Bang - Haru Haru. cuba dengar, baru feel sikit~ orang tu pun maafkan : "jom dating !" esoknya pun gi dating. buat dosa sikit sikit. geli sikit. happy happy. esok esok keadaan sama berulaaaang lagi on and on. tak letih kea ?

manusia. perasaan manusia. kadang kadang memang tak dapat dikawal. sekejap suka sekejap gaduh. sekejap nangis, sekejap gembira. bila putus cinta, cari baru. bila pulau kawan, kawan balik. bila tumbuk kawan, kene tumbuk balik.

-Dipetik dari Keyrana's post

Top 8 Tricking Tips !

Train with a group or a friend
in the beginning, its good to trick with other people. after my first year of tricking i began training alone almost exclusively. but I could not imagine starting without the help of my friend Aril. If you cant get a friend interested enough to participate, at least have them keep you company while you flip around.

Collect and watch tricking vids
you need exposure to all the skills and styles. you need to study tricking videos. During my first year of tricking i watched everything i came across and rewatched my favorites hundreds of times. This helped me see relationships between moves and similarities between tricksters. it builds unconscious familiarity.

Join the online tricking community
example, the messe on this site are very active. You will learn a lot by participating ! tricksters are organizing camps, meets, and gatherings all year long and there might be one near you - check the forums. Some of my best memories are at tricking gatherings and i met some of my best friends through the forums.

Add variety to your tricking
vary the location, vary your attire, vary your tricks ! incorporate all tricks into your training, no need to avoid anything. handle fear day by day. tt takes time, it takes some people more time, just keep at it. tricking will amuse and challenge you forever. there is always something new to learn. for advanced tricksters, learning advanced tricks on the opposite side of preference and building unique chain combination is a never ending challenge.

Use tricking, don't let tricking use you
incorporate tricking into your lifestyle, dont make a lifestyle out of tricking. this is art, you create something with tricking. the field is your canvas and your body is the brush, but you are directing the strokes. dont fall prey to anybody else's expectations but your own, and use tricking to make you a better person and amplify your personality.

Film yourself and make videos and share them
tricking footage acts like a save point in video games as far as your peak abilities go and serve you feed back. making samplers is actually my primary mode of expressing what i am with tricks. it might not be your primary mode, but regardless whether you want to make a fancy video or not, the feedback is invaluable. Its mandatory that you film yourself tricking.

Write stuff down
what you really want to keep track of is advice, combinations, and how you feel when you are learning or perfecting a skill. Keep track of important epiphanies and experiences you have while tricking. whether you want to create a full personal manual like I have tricking spell books, or simply keep some scrap paper with some jotted notes around is up to you. but at least write some stuff down!

Help others learn
teaching others is teaching yourself. when you explain something to someone else you are building deeper personal understanding of the subject at hand. helping others learn will also build you many friends and allies. i hope these 8 tips have taught you something useful ! thank you for reading!


the lousy test is over. gosh finaly. i dont know why i felt like sitting for SPM in this first test, rasa menggelabah gila. as usual, i didt study. eventhough i didt study, it was easy afterall. hahahh, Bio was easy, +Math was easy, Chemistry was easy (1st time) and of course Math. i am totaly need to change this year and i need to go to tuition. i have't go to tuition since i was 12. hahahh, im so cool<--ayat Abudi

during the test, Hajar has become my savior. hahahh, thnks for the paper Hajar and atha wears a new shirt. anyway, the test is over. now i can sleeps for the longest hour. main game pun takda gangguan yeah !

yesterday i went to Aladdin to download stuff. then, off to Taman Margosa with Putra. i dont know why i cant jump up high. Putra kata 'tu la, melancap banyak banyak' haha, babi ko. fakk, tricking with Putra sahaja. dam bored. after i came back home, my IDE to external HD cable is missing. so fakk again. just lucky me


Saturday, February 20, 2010

its nothing :D

Gimnastik Artistik

the last, last, last and last saturday. i went to Shah Alam for a tricking session. session is at the Extreme Park. at noon, it was not a so fun session at all because there was only three of us. me, Amir, and Abir. the day was hot, dry, and everything.

i set off at about 8 a.m, board the bus about 8 and a half and arrive at 10. then lepak rumah Amir (seksyen 13, Perdana) jap. i call Abir, he said he were visiting the gym at seksyen 6. when Abir arrive at Perdana, he frequently mention about that gym and told us Abudi and all will be visiting it tonight at 8.

so gym topics off. its tricking time. Abir obtained a couple of new tricks. Amir and me was freakin shock to hear about his new Standing Gainer. the rest of the story ? let the picture and video tells.

Abir is getting obsessed with his side flip that we taught him

Mudabbir Ahmad Ilyas

Hey there. my names Amir Shahril, dude i like your thigh. can i have a piece

Extreme Park, Shah Alam

hows webster today ?

check out Abir's new Gainer. and my bail landed webster ;L

yeah, my knee is kinda loose that day. so after the day tricking sessh. Jan called and tells me that he is on the way to Perdana. so, lepak rumah Amir lagi. Jan arrived, and lets go gyming!<-from the words 'jamming'. i was freakin excited man ! when we arrive, i can already hear the sounds of that plyometric floor from several foot. owh shit!

due to the facts that there is no female. semua tanggal baju. actually, we was entering that gym illegally. haha, hidup selamba beb ! the hall was faking hot. no propeller, no air conditioner. hot like hell man. too bad, my knee's hurt that day. i could only last for an hour. so the gym made our day :D we take off about 11 p.m.

aku buat munkey gainer weyh! dash bomb(bail), doublefull(also bail), front 360(almost land, but bail at last).. etc anyway. bangga gila wei dapat train kat gym. haha korang tak dapat :P

p/s: do i mention that we have some difficulty on the way back home ? fakk!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Sims Three

I am curently playing the sims 3. its a hell yeah fun simulator baby ! you guys should try it. trust me, your ass will be sticked on the seat

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Dell Inspiron 6400

• Motherboard : E1505.
• Processor : Intel Core Duo 1.6Ghz
• Graphics : Intergrated Chipset 256MB
• Memory : RAM 2.5 GB
• HDD : 80 GB
• Screen Size : 15.4-inches
• OS : Windows 7 Ultimate
• Media Direct
• Bluetooth & Wifi
• USB×6

p/s : i bought it, not someone gave it


What type of day are you having?
- fine
Was there anyone who "made your day"?
- nope
Are you liking how you look today?
- as usual
Do you have anyone crushing on you?
- i dont know
Have you ever eaten a bug?
- many times
Are you vegeterian?
- nooo
When was the last time you kissed someone?
- last year
Have you ever had something stuck between your teeth, but no one decided to tell you?
- yes
Are you a mother or a father?
- i'm a brother
When was your last paycheck?
- i'm just a school dudes
How many pets do you have?
- none
What kind of toothpaste do you use?
- colgate's
Are you closer to being rich or poor?
- in between
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
- i used to
What was the last gift someone gave you?
- yesterday, a laptop
Do you appreciate that person?
- of course
Are you on any type of drugs?
- never !
Are you in love?
- yeah, with spm
Have you ever been in love?
- yes
Do you even believe in love?
- yes i do
How many things are you really thinking about right now?
- one, next weeks test
Did you talk to anyone you didn't like today?
- i don't go out today
Do you like picnics?
- yup
Have you finished school yet?
- i am about to
What is/was your worst subject?
- history and chemistry
What's your father's middle name?
- shah
Are you American?
- i'm Malaysian beb !
Who are you voting for?
- me, myself and i
Do you like Bush?
- fakk him !
Was his name even worth capitalizing?
- never !
What kind of mood are you in?
- biase jerk*ayat selamba*
Are you waiting for anything?
- yes, a money from my customers
Are you going to bed after this?
- yea
Have you ever watched fahrenheit 9/11?
- watta hek is that
McCain or Obama?
- whos mccain, whos obama ?
Where were you september 6. 2009?
- just broke up
What book are you currently reading?
- school's
What song did you last listen to?
- r&b remix
What movie is in your DVD player?
- Shes The Man !!
How many windows are open in your computer?
- three
Are you a very stressed out person?
- hahahh, no
How old is your mom?
- 41, i think :D
Has your mom ever been on television or in the paper?
- dream off
Are you single?
Do you have a beach house?
- no
Where do you live?
- dalam kotak kowt
Did you honestly miss Melrose place?
- ?
Do you ever watch Bold and the beautiful?
- hahahh yeah, stupid dramas
Do you sometimes watch the news?
- not sometimes
Have you ever seen a UFO?
- i want to
Do you believe in aliens?
- yes
Do you like Jerry Springer?
- whos that
Have you ever been to world trade center?
- tambang mahal lah
What is your favorite magazine?
- i don't do magazine
How many times have you gone to a foreign country?
- once
When will you next go on a plane?
- when i go for futher studies
When did you last go on a plane?
- when i was a baby
Do you watch football sundays?
- never
Do you read Perez Hilton?
- takda masa lah
What are your thoughts on Disney Channel?
- great cartoons
Have you taken all the cool quizzes on ?
- not once
Do you like Techno?
- abit
Do you like Dr.Phil?
- dr. who ?
Do you like Oprah?
- what ?
Do you ever want to get married?
- wajib lah
What is your favorite country?
- USA & Korea
Do you like animals?
- yes, cats
Do you like High school musical?
- boleh lah
Are the Jonas brothers cute?
- i am cuter *prasan
Do you have an ipod?
- i want one !
Do you watch TV alot?
- it would be 10 out of 100
Are you afraid of the dark?
- yes i am


Atha Likes
• clean papers
• farieda abu bakar
• rise againts
• white track suits
• nivea deodorant
• hafyz sr
• sony ericsson
• converse
• k-swiss
• pn. rajambal
• to wears boxer
• le. gardenie
• to stalk people
• big speakers
• sunny day
• pei
• shah alam
• meyshna nair
• hoki
• to buy pirates software
• downloading
• obtain new trick
• mattress
• photography
• video games
• lady gaga
• his name
• the weekends
• jaja

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Parkour Revolution

Mirrors Edge

Wall Run


I like her form, her flow, and her dress applications

The Others
• Prince Of Persia
• Assasins Creed
• Freerunning

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Plead For Attention ?

Many people say that i am such a show off.

all i can say is, what-thaa-tuuuuuttt !
i never ask you guys to watch me in action. i just love tumbling. is that a crime ? well, maybe teachers in my school says 'parkour membahayakan skolah' but the thing is, i never bother about you and your faking lap lantai thingy DICK !

which matter I heard from them is,
  1. atha tu nak tiru orang puteh tapi tak jadi
  2. apehal die nie nak lompat lompat ? nak jadi beruk ape
  3. bodoh gila die nie, patah tulang baru tawu
  4. ak alah nak perhatian lebih dowh, budak nie
  5. menggelabah gile, menunjuk nunjuk
  6. pako arh weh, pako arh. jadi monyet
yearp, dulu aku memang noob. tak tawu ape. front flip pun landing punggung. korang pon enjoy jea gelak time tu. but tengok arh skarang. korang korang yang dah khianati aku<-from traceurs to shufflers skarang pun dah tehegeh hegeh nak join aku balik. HAHAHA*evil lough* parkour ni memang agak bahaya. but if we do it with a full caution and correct technique these thing is just like walking in the park. cuba korang fikir, kalau korang shuffle shuffle tu tak menunjuk pulak ? tak menggelabah pulak ?. monyet ? fine we're munkeys. kitaorang lompat lompat macam monyet pun ada fungsi. we can overcome obstacle with our munkey technique. korang ? lap lantai macam penyu sakit telur. aku memang nak tiru orang puteh pun sebab kat malaysia ni sape yang aku nak tiru ? pemain bola sepak negara ? hahh, lame dude, lamee. buang duet negara jea. masuk tournament tak penah menang pun. semua benda yang unique korang nak kata menunjuk. main skate pun menunjuk, main go-cart pun menunjuk. bapak sempit s*al otak korang ! aku tak mintak perhatian la weyh, benda ni memang minat aku.

due to the facts that flipping do attracts attention. they can easly say that i plead attention. korang memang berfikiran sempit arh. at least we're trying something new, ait ? shuffle shuffle shuffle, rempit rempit rempit, bola bola bola, rugby rugby rugby. dont you guys ever felt bored with all these stuff ? its all the same thing every year, every day. grrhhh, stakat main untuk skolah baik tak payah la weyh. bukan dapat apa pun. korang cakap aku buat pakour tak kemana pun. tapi tengok lah skarang. aku buat demo ape sumer dapat duet boleh beli coklat tuk awek. nama aku harum cam bunga rose. korang ? ada cikgu korang bagi sorang 100 buck stiap game ? takda kaan ? so eventually, korang yang LOSER.

thats it, bye

how is corkscrew today ? watch those two video. and you'll know. one day i'll be able to do that. i just need a split. grrhhh, i wanna do split so bad :"(

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rumah Hijau

Semalam skolah agak okay arh.
macam macam subject aku dapat focus. sekarang time Biologi aku dah tak duduk di meja ngan group group blakang dah sebab dorang bising. aku duduk di meja meja depan sebelah Shezryna dan Hajar. Chemistry dan +Math tahun ni cam okay gila. papan papan kenyataan kat blakang dan depan klass dah lengkap. sampah dah dibuang, lantai dah di sapu, dan meja dah disusun dengan cara baru<-cara Erina dan Atha. hahakk. masa balik tu, aku, Erina, Yoges, dan Leong stayback jap tuk bersihkan tingkap. ye arh kan, nak buktikan kat si Aziah yang kami ni berhemah. Danial sepatutnya ada, tapi dia sembang kata dia demam<-cam pondan. hahahh, dah lepas tu balik. dorang sume balik terus tapi aku stay sampai latihan rumah sukan. tak tawu lah kenape aku aktif sangat tahun ni dan aktif sangat bercerita pasal skolah. mungkin sebab tahun ni tahun terakhir untuk aku menghabiskan sisa sisa kehidupan skolah. so latihan, hari ni latihan larian berpagar<-freerun beb! . aku ngan Danial malas nak main lari lompat<-apa yang kami gelar sebab hari tuh panas. Izzaty cam semangat gila nak lari, pastu jatuh. haha padan muke kau. aku cam asik panggil Izzaty 'Aina' jea. dia pun macam 'weyh jangan lah weyh' aku dan Danial masok lompat kijang. kiteorg cam terlompat lompat-terlompat lompat. kaki kanan kaki kiri kaki kanan kaki kiri. budak budak form 4 pun nak masuk jugak. so cikgu suruh kiteorg ajar. bile ajar, dorang pun cam 'kaki mana satu nih?' kaki kanan ke kaki kiri, kaki kiri ke kaki kanan. hahah, last skali aku cakap pape jealah. aku ngan Danial "again" *bengkok dua jari* sign up tuk masuk lari 100m and 200m. pastu cik Lim letak nama aku ngan Danial "again again" kat 400m. wataheck. so sukan tahun ni.

aku masuk,

Lari :
100 m
200 m
400 m
400x2 m
Baling :
Lembing & Cakera
Lompat :


Kawat Kaki KRS<-5 tahun turut turut johan

haha, so. hari ni balik cam cepat gila owh. sepatutnya habis pukul 5 p.m., tapi hari nie pukul 4.14 p.m. dah settle. jadi aku ngan Danial cam sembang mmanjang. cite pasal tebuan kejar aku lah, Miss. Ong cakap cina, cikgu cikgu stylo skolah (Ceng, Tambir, Hamidah), cikgu cikgu mulut longkang/kaki ngumpat (ni takleh bagi tawu nama arh, banyak stalker) and so on. tapi aku asik cerita pasal zaman kanak kanak jea. mungkin sebab aku rindu tahun tahun dulu kowt. bcause semakin tua semakin busan. then balik, si Jamal dan Arif ajak aku tricking. tapi aku malas. nak balik berak, makan, tido, buat peka.



OWE AMM GEEE!!<-ayat gedik i've managed to not coming late to school for one week. oww yeah baby yeah! haha, maybe you guys macam, 'one week jea?'. hahaha, but for me its a big thing. because i've changedabit. since last year my school reputation was a total DICK.

i've been coming late for like every day. its a very uncool and lame thing to do. the teacher always scold me, tengking tengking sana, tengking tengking sini. haiihh, am tired MAN. Salmizan asik aim aku jea beb. every time i came in late, shes always the one who "mengkantoikan" me. so i have to go to the office and stay there like a stupid midgets until recess. and every day Jaswan<-penolong kanan h.e.m was like 'muka kau lagi?' ha-haha *gelak sedih*

cikgu Ib cakap aku takbertanggungjawab, Salmizan cakap aku pengotor, budak budak lain cakap aku selekeh, Fara cakap aku menunjuk<-tak berkaitan dengan tajuk. another thing. my shirt was dirty, the shoe is black<-have't wash it since i bought it , no badge, no name texts<-thats what i call it , and no neckband<-not obligated

so the thing is, i'm changing. i'm trying to do my homework, try to pour some clean h20 on my shirt/shoe, try to on my microphone when teacher are shouting, and try to not pako-ing<- owh shit! more often. i've tried to avoid parkour as longest as i can. but i can't. pakour is just my life. haha, being a SPM victims is a major mess in life. agree?


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog aku merangkumi 2 bahasa
teks melayu and english texts.

bila aku rasa cam nak cakap melayu aku cakap
when i felt like speaking in english i speak

orang malaysia lah dikatakan.

thats it/itu sahaja, bye/salam :)
Hari ni skolah, aku stay back sampai pukul 2.30 p.m. mengemas kini papan papan kenyataan yang dah lawa tapi dikata buruk oleh orang. sebenarnye kerja tu bukan banyak mana pun. menyembang ja lebih. main shuffle shuffle la, baling baling sampah, tembak pakai stapeler gun.. etc. budak budak ni pulak buat kerja macam anak dara. kejap kejap nak gi makan, kejap kejap nak gi tandas. bile lah nak siap.

sebenarnye aku ada banyak kerja. like, a whole bunch of work. math, +math, chemis, physic, sej, karangan, dan banyak lagi. tetapi yang aku tengah focus skarang ni is peka physic. orang laen dah sampai peka-9. aku baru nak habis yang ke-2. wft? right? habis jea buat bende bende yang tak berfaedah tu. si Jamal<-Putra gi ajak aku tricking kat blakang skolah. haha, korang tawu arh an aku. pantang kalu orang ajak pusing pusing<-kerja berfaedah nih. time tricking tu banyak gila penonton kowt. pastu awek Jamal<-Eleena datang. so terbakar arh semangat die nak demo. lepas pusing pusing pusing, balek. makan, pastu on pc, bukak tenet. aku nampak hafiz on. so tegur ar die "whoi!". haha, hafiz pon berbulu jea. dah tu tak larat. bajet nak baring baring jap arh. bila aku bukak mata jea dah pkul 10 p.m. whooot?! hahahh, all im tryin to say is. when will i get the time to finish all those work? susah gila aku nak tepis nafsu nafsu nih. nafsu game, nafsu makan, nafsu berak, nafsu pako, nafsu tido.. ect. huiihh, masalah masalah. da la mak bapak aku skarang tengah bengang ngan aku pasal skolah. sesiapa yang ada tips tuk tembak balik nafsu nafsu ni. tolong dermakan yea.

p/s: nafsu sangap takda eyh :D

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


i've never touch cigarettes
i've never drink
i've never open a porn page
and i've never kiss a girl on thier lips

so please losers, stop having dirty thought about me
atha is clean baby !

hahahh :D

Monday, February 8, 2010

skolah owh skolah

Hari ni skolah macam DICK. aku punyalah bersusah payah kelam kabut hentam itu hentam ini pagi tadi nak gosok baju dan jahit lencana (kerja last min). pastu pegi skolah jalan gila babi laju. jalan jalan jalan, akhirnya sampai lah skolah. huh dengan hati yang leganya aku berbaris bersama rakan sekelas ku. budak budak yang datang lambat kene berdiri.

masa perhimpunan, si Aziah (pengetua skolah) membebel lah macam biasa, pasal datang lewat lah, lencana takda lah, name tag tak penah wujud, and so on. Hari ni atha tak lewat, hahahh improve beb! time time die tengah membebel tuh, dak dak cine, geng geng Soon Kwong tuh bercakap cakap macam kat pasar borong. pastu Aziah suruh sume dak dak kelas A and B berdiri. tak pasal pasal kowt. yang pedihnye. kelas aku di announcekan kelas paling terkotor dan paling tak bertanggungjawab. sampai name Pn.Koh pun kene petik. bukan stakat petik jea, kene katai pulak tuh. Aziah : "you Pn.Koh, tak payah lah nak duduk memerap je kat dalam lab tuh, tengok tengok lah budak budak kelas you nih. ni tengok lah nih, kelas kotor, time perhimpunan bercakap!" pastu si Koh berbulu jea. sampai nangis kowt!

lepas jea perhimpunan, dak kelas A and B kene syarah kejap ngan IB dan Salmizan. si (name cikgu ni aku tak ingat) pegi petik name aku sebagai contoh plajar bermasalah. "tu tengok tu, atha aillah tu. bertapa selekehnye die. dengan rambut panjangnye, lencana takdenye" (aku baru jahit kowt!). kimak jea cikgu cikgu sekarang nih.

Habis kene syarah masok kelas. Pn. Koh dah standby dah kat pintu (dengan muka tensyennye). membebel bebel. kelas kotor. "atha, awak yang buat jadual bertugas. kenape tak siap?!" dorang dorang sume tengok aku dengan muka tak puas hati.

fatafakk man!, dorang nak cepat pada masa yang sama nak hasil kerja macam Pablo Picasso. aku mintak bahan tak nak kasi. suruh aku carik sendiri. gua takda duet bhaii. ade yang kate "atha ko laen kali taknak buat jangan buat arh", "ko laen kali takyah jadi pak sanggup lah ta, menyusahkan jea". my word would be fuck off! aku tak nak la weyh buat benda benda tu. dah korang yang mintak tolong. aku pun dah cukup baik dah nak tolong. bodoh!

budak budak kelas aku ni memang dah cukup bengap. dorang suruh buat background. kita tanyalah nak warna apa. dorang kata, suka hati lah. so bila dah beli, comment banyak, demand banyak.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Trick Trick Trick

me, Jan, Shamil, the Silats and the Capoeiras practice at padang Saga. its been two month that we've been practicing. Shamil is one of my advance student in BSD. Front Flip, Butterfly Kick, Cheat Gainer, he has overcomed.

i met a new trickers today (sape tah name die). but the most important thing is, hes a real hard core baby. he can already do the BHS. so bila jumpa kitaorang, terus boleh Back Flip. Hahahaa *gelak bangga* power ark kiteorang ajar. i hope we can pull in some more people. because, more attendence means more Semangat.

i've always wanted to form a group of Trickers in BSD. because every time i wanted to practice. i'll have to go to the lower area of BSD near Kepong. tapi sekarang dah tak payah, so jimat lah duet *muka lega*

anyway, thanks to those whos in bsd that has joined Freerunning in Sri Damansara. you guys have just saved me !


Thats it, keep on training Dickies !

Session With The Skater

Semalam aku gerak ke KL dekat dengan Central Market. aku jumpa sorang budak nih. Azzam. hes a skater *woot woot!* hahaha, so kenal kenal kenal. tunjuk ajar and introkan die pasal parkour. Putra dan Arif pun ada.

so, lepas tu ajar lah dia basic. precession jump, turn vault, and so on (mamat ni lompat tinggi kowt). jadi ape ape pun, die nie memang ada bakat tuk parkour dan yang paling best. dia ni peramah doe *awww*

session start pukul 3 habes pukul 6. dah lepas jea maen pako, gerak dataran jap. Tricking! but, hari tu aku memang takda mood nak pusing pusing doe, sebab kaki aku sakit and kepala aku pening. mula mula aku ingat aku dah hampakan Azzam. sebab tak dapat nak ajar dia. yang dapat pun basic roll. Putra dapat landing die punya front flip. yang Arip pulak tak habes habes ngan breaking and popping die. member member Eksees yang lain, cam biasa lah. last skali, Azzam bagi tawu aku yang die tak minat tricking. hahahh, lega gila aku.

pastu balik. time tunggu bas tu arh macam babi(as always) Arip takut mak dia marah

so thats it, nice to meet you Azzam :)