so i've decided to flashback to my old positions. kau orang tak tawu kea ? dulu aku lah camera men. tapi sekarang. akulah yang banyak beraksi. tak tawu lah sebab apa.
i've been learning photoshop in youtube lately. it does't look good. because i was using a phone camera with only 2.0 mega pixel. and obviously thats not a DSLR. gosh, i really need one!
aku tak suka dowh. orang yang ada camera power power. tapi tak tawu nak manfaatkan. sumpah bangang dowh. baik ko bagi aku lagi bagus la weh. gila kufur nikmat. grrh. and to Athirah. aku tawu lah kerja aku tu semua buruk buruk. jadi kau tak payah lah nak kutuk aku belakang belakang. depan aku cakap cool la lawa la. aku belajar kat mane weyy. fikir sikit.
pfft, so heres one of my works in Photoshop and Photoscape.

what do you guys think ???
lawa lawa? cun? slebet? hahaahahh. actually i dont care what people would say about my work. because i would label this work volume as 'Beta'
so umm yeah :D
1 comment:
Weh , bunguk! aku puji ikhlas ko kate aku kutuk blakang2? WTF!!! jgn tulis nama aku lah.. eish.. jatoh maruah aku. huh!
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