Bo Staff Progression
•Basic Strike
•Basic Jab
•Kneeling Strike
•Kneeling Jab
•Choke Defence
•Low Defence
•Wrist Spin
•Front Spin
•Helicopter Spin
•Palm Spin
•Tail Spin
•Palm Switch
•Spin Tosse
•Around the Back
•Around the Neck
•Around the Leg
•Figure 8 (left/right) Hand
•Figure 8 Twohanded
•Figure 8 Switch
•Figure 8 Underarm tuck
•Figure 8 Underarm continues
these are the basic that i've overcomed :D
•Choke Defence
•Low Defence
•Around the Leg
•Figure 8 (
•Figure 8 Underarm continues
these are the basic that i've overcomed :D