yada yada yada. these fingers are dancing on the keyboard without even know what type of dance they are doing. waiting for the brain to search and recover the lost memory. hahah pfft, they are gonna dance about my birthday actually.

sorry people, this post are gonna be less interesting. cause it's about me. 'again'. hahah. yeahh, my birthday was last week. exectly 7 days ago. nothing happens as usual as it would normal-ly be. theres nothing special about the day of my birth. well, nobody said that. but i generally do think so. hahh.
but yet, suprisingly. maybe a liltle more something this year. i receive a total of 7 wishes in real life and 104 on facebook. lol. and what suprised me really is that. they remember. eventhough i didn't set the notification on facebook. haha. and compared to last year. i receive a total of 4 wishes. kesian gila enn? hahah. am i glowing this year or what? i never celebrate it with my friends, family or who so ever in my life. even this year's birthday i barely remember! ahahh. i got present this year. ceh cehh. ahaha.

"I'm So HOT" from Zulaiqa :D

a band from Shaza!

and a letter from her :))
lol. i rarely receive gift for my birthday. agak jakun gak arr. LOLz. ahaha. but that doesn't matter. the thing is, i appreciate that they care. a sense of relief that i am not alone. and i am curently waiting a hand band from Natasha Merissa! hahah. she looked every where for that thingy. thank you tashaa *muka gedik* :B
things went well~
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